How to share WhatsApp status updates directly on Facebook Story? Share WhatsApp Status Update directly on Facebook Story Last month, the favored website Facebook released another WhatsApp beta version with the launch of Facebook. WhatsApp want to share WhatsApp status updates directly on Facebook Story to open Facebook separately. Because you now have the chance to share WhatsApp status as a Facebook story. Yes, after announcing that each one services on Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp and Instagram are integrated, we now have the chance to share WhatsApp status as a Facebook story and also to share WhatsApp status as Facebook status can publish WhatsApp status as Facebook story without just pressing a button. This feature that shares WhatsApp status as a Facebook story is out there in stable versions of WhatsApp Android and iOS based apps, all you've got to try to tap on WhatsApp status. Then press the three dots on the proper edge. Tap the Share to Facebook option. WhatsApp ask you for permission to access Facebook. Tap on Open option After giving WhatsApp access to Facebook, Share Now chooses to share WhatsApp status as Facebook Story. If you tap it, your WhatsApp status are going to be shared as a Facebook story. Your status time is additionally normal, therefore the WhatsApp status or Facebook story (or Instagram story) will disappear within 24 hours of you sharing. Earlier this year, Facebook announced plans to integrate its services Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and Instagram. With greater connectivity between Facebook and its app families, Facebook wants to become a customer-centric large technology company. As such, WhatsApp has provided features that allow users to share their status updates from the app on Facebook.
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